Home Minecraft Mods New Shield Variants Mod (1.20.4) | Shields with Special Effects

The New Shield Variants Mod adds new shields to Minecraft, crafted from a variety of materials, including minerals. The mod also adds new ones with special effects, such as teleportation, fire, and levitation.

New Shields:

Normal Shields:

Normal Shields are shields with no special effects made of different materials, and of course better than normal shield, with different hardnesses.

Ender Shield:

The Ender Shield teleports enemies away from the player when they are blocked. This can be useful for getting out of a sticky situation or for avoiding dangerous mobs.

Blaze Shield:

The Blaze Shield ignites enemies when they are blocked. This is a great way to deal damage to multiple enemies at once.

Fire Charge Shield:

The Fire Charge Shield sends a projectile at enemies when they are blocked. This projectile can damage multiple enemies and even set them on fire.

TNT Shield:

The TNT Shield throws a piece of dynamite when it is blocked. This can be a great way to clear out a group of enemies or to destroy obstacles.

Dragon Shield:

The Dragon Shield slows down enemies temporarily when they are blocked. This can make it easier to escape from enemies or to land attacks on them.

Shulker Shield:

The Shulker Shield levitates the player when it is blocked. This can be useful for getting out of danger or for reaching high places.

How to Use the New Shield:

To use the mod, craft one of the new shields using the corresponding materials. Once the shield is crafted, equip it and use it as you would a normal shield and when you use it to block, the special effect will activate.

How to install:

Requires either Forge, Fabric or NeoForged
Dependencies: Fabric API, MonoLib
How to install Minecraft Mods.

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