Home Minecraft Mods Elegant Armour Mod (1.20.1) | Hide yours and Friends Armor

Elegant Armour Mod is a Minecraft mod that allows you to hide your armor and show your beautiful skin to the world. It also lets you set default settings for your friends, or for individual players and other amazing features.


-Hide your armor: This is the main feature of the mod. You can choose to hide all of your armor or just individual pieces. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as making your character look more stylish or hiding your valuables from other players.

-Choose a thinner armor model: This option gives your armor a slimmer fit, which can make your character look more streamlined.

-Set default settings for all players: This option lets you set the default settings for all players on the server.

-Choose specific options for individual players: This option lets you set different armor settings for individual players.

-See other players options: If you install Elegant Armour Mod on a server, you can see other players armor settings.

Using The Mod:

Once you’ve installed the mod, you can access the mod’s menu through the Social Interactions screen (the key is P by default). you can also find the menu for your player in the main menu.

In the Social interactions screen, you’ll see a new icon next to each user who is on the server at the time. Click on this icon to open the mod’s menu for that player.

In the menu, you can choose to hide each individual armour item, or just go along with the default setting. Elytras are decided separately from chestplates.

If you choose the default option next to your player, you can edit the default settings. These will apply to all players, overriding their personal settings.

How to install:

Requires either Fabric or Quilt
Dependencies: Fabric API
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Elegant Armour Mod (1.20.1):