Home Minecraft Mods Advanced Netherite Mod (1.20.4) | 4 new tiers of Netherite!

Advanced Netherite is a Forge and Fabric mod that adds four new tiers of Netherite to Minecraft. Iron, Gold, Emerald, and Diamond Each tier has its own unique properties and also includes its respective tools.

Getting Started:

To craft the new Netherite armor/tools, you will need to gather the necessary materials and use the Crafting table. To craft Netherite-Iron, you will need Netherite Ingot and Iron Ingots, To craft Netherite-Gold, you will need Iron Netherite Ingot and Gold Ingots, To craft Netherite-Emerald, you will need Gold Netherite Ingot and Emeralds, To craft Netherite-Diamond, you will need Emerald Netherite Ingot and Diamonds.

Tiers of Netherite Armor and Special Abilities:

Each tier of Netherite armor has its own special ability.

Netherite-Iron: Phantoms will behave passively towards players wearing Netherite-Iron armor.

Netherite-Gold: Piglins will behave passively towards players wearing Netherite-Gold armor.

Netherite-Emerald: Endermen will behave passively towards players wearing this armor.

Netherite-Diamond: Piglins and Endermen will behave passively towards players wearing Netherite-Diamond armor.

Other Features:

Netherite Blocks: Each tier of Netherite has its own corresponding block, which can be used to build decorative structures and contraptions.

Netherite Tools: Each tier of Netherite has its own set of tools, which are more durable and efficient than vanilla Netherite tools.

Repairing The Armor and tools:

All Advanced Netherite armor and tools can be repaired using the material they are made from. For example, a Netherite-Gold Chestplate can be repaired using a Netherite-Gold Ingot.

How to install:

Requires either Forge, Fabric or NeoForged
Dependencies: Fabric API
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Advanced Netherite Mod (1.20.4):