Home Minecraft Mods Tiny Allies Mod (1.20.1) |  Adopt A Tiny Hostile Mob

The Tiny Allies Mod allows you to find and tame baby versions of Creepers, Endermen, Skeletons, Spiders, and Zombies. Once you’ve tamed them, you can train them to fight for you.

How to tame Tiny Allies mobs

Imagine stumbling upon a baby monster during your exploration. The Tiny Allies Mod introduces the possibility of these adorable creatures spawning in your Minecraft world. If you come across a baby monster without a parent nearby, you can step in as their guardian and tame them. However, remember to approach them gently, as they might be easily frightened.

Food Items

Endermen: Treat them to some chorus fruit and they’ll be your best friend. They’ll even teleport around!

Creepers: Feed them gunpowder to tame them. They’ll love the explosion of flavor!

Skeletons: A bone meal is a natural choice for these bony buddies. They’ll grow strong and healthy on it.

Zombies: They’re not picky eaters, so any meat will do. Just make sure they have enough to keep their brains running.

Spiders: Personally my favorite one, Any meat will do for these cute critters.

Once you’ve fed your tiny ally, it will start to follow you around and fight for you. it can also sit down in the cutest way. to do this, right-click on it.

Gearing Up

Zombies and skeletons can be strengthened by equipping them with armor and weapons. You can also give them helmets to protect them from the sun.


Creeper will cause a small explosion without damaging itself or its surrounding

Enderman and Spider will attack as if they are attacking a player

Skeleton will use the bow and arrow (Yeah I know who saw that coming)

Zombie will attack as if it’s attacking a player but with a good sword in hand it will be causing some serious damage

How to install:

Requires either Forge or Fabric
Dependencies: Fabric API, Architectury API
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Tiny Allies Mod (1.20.1):