Home Minecraft Mods SecurityCraft Mod (1.20.4) | Say Goodbye to Minecraft Griefers

Minecraft has been plagued with a problem that every player dreads – griefers whether it was from players or mobs. But, what if I told you there is a solution to end this problem? Allow me to introduce SecurityCraft, the Minecraft mod that has been providing players with security-focused features for over eight years from Minecraft version 1.6 days.


Laser block: This block accepts different modules that will give different effects from damaging players to emitting a redstone signal when a mob or player walks throw it. The laser block is used by putting two of them within five blocks of each other. When the blocks are placed correctly, a laser should form between them.

Key-pad Doors: Protect your builds with doors that only open with the correct password.

Scanner Door: like a Retinal Scanner combined with a Reinforced Iron Door, where the owner looks at the top to open it.


Sentry: Destroy intruders with a rain of bullets, this block will protect your base from players and mobs alike

Mines: As the name suggests it will explode the second an entity step on it.

Security Camera: One of the coolest items in my opinion. it allows you to check your surrounding using Camera Monitor.


In conclusion, SecurityCraft is the answer for Minecraft players when it comes to defending their builds from outside threats. With its easy installation process and a wide range of security features, the mod provides players with the tools they need to safeguard their base.

If you want to learn more about the mod you can visit SecurityCraft Wiki : 

How to install:

Requires either Forge or NeoForged
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download SecurityCraft Mod (1.20.4):