Home Minecraft Mods [RPG Series] Paladins & Priests Mod (1.20.1) | Divine Power

Have you ever dreamed of embodying the divine essence? Well, now you can with the Paladins & Priests Mod! This mod allows you to become a righteous Paladin or a wise Priest. Craft powerful weapons, harness the power of runes as divine ammunition, and explore an array of dedicated equipment—Discover Sanctuaries in villages, where Monk villagers eagerly sell Paladin and Priest gear.

Starting With The Mod:

[RPG Series] The Paladins & Priests Mod invites you to forge your mighty weapon and collect runes, the celestial ammunition that will ignite your divine path. These sacred tools will serve as your gateway to channeling divine powers. But there’s more to this mod – it grants you the ability to craft specialized equipment that enhances your holy abilities, enveloping you in an unmistakable aura of divine devotion.

the sacred tome acts as your compendium of spells, enabling you to learn and cast a diverse range of divine incantations. To obtain it, craft a spell binding table and surround it with a bookshelf!

Place a regular book on the sacred inscription table and select the spell of your choice. The table will bind the spell to the book, requiring a sacrifice of a few experience levels.

Casting Divine Spells:

Once you have chosen your path and crafted your Spell Book, you are ready to become a Paladin or a Priest! Open your inventory and place the Spell Book inside the newly added slot granted by the mod. Additionally, ensure that you have runes in your inventory to use as ammunition.

That’s all you need! Take up your sacred weapon, and behold, you are a holy champion! Now you can vanquish the forces of darkness with divine might.


The mod also introduces a new structure to villages – the Sanctuary! Inside these Sanctuaries, Monk villagers eagerly await, offering a variety of Paladin and Priest equipment for sale. Explore these hallowed halls and equip yourself with the finest holy gear.

Furthermore, if you add the Gazebos mod from the same mod series, you’ll stumble upon gazebos within villages. These gazebos house small spell libraries.

We recommend installing the Better Combat for first-person animations

Also, check out the Wizards Mod from the same series!

How to install:

Requires Fabric
Dependencies: Fabric API, Spell Power Attributes, Spell Engine, Runes, AzureLib Armor
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download [RPG Series] Paladins & Priests Mod: