Home Minecraft Mods Nebulus Juice Trader Mod (1.20.1) | New Juice Trader

The Nebulus Juice Trader Mod introduces an all-new trader to Minecraft focused on juicy beverages. This mod adds a Juice Trader who spawns in Birch, Flower, Dark, and Plains Forests, providing a fresh take on the trading system.

Mod Overview:

The main highlight is the addition of five new drinks that can be bought from the Juice Trader after you level him up. These mysterious concoctions provide different hunger points.

The mod introduces a new structure where the Juice Trader lives to facilitate trading. This building fits in nicely with the surrounding. Inside, you’ll find the trader’s workstation which is a bookshelf. This is where the Juice Trader offers their deals.

Don’t forget to check the chests and barrels as they contain different loot!

How to install:

Requires either Forge or NeoForged
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Nebulus Juice Trader Mod (1.20.1):