Home Minecraft Mods Elytra HUD Mod (1.20.4) | Get Microsoft Flight Simulator HUD

The Elytra HUD Mod brings the immersive heads-up display from Microsoft Flight Simulator to Minecraft Java Edition. With informative indicators like airspeed, artificial horizon, and more, this clientside Fabric mod makes elytra flying an exhilarating experience.

Overview of the Mod:

The mod is designed to provide critical flight data to enhance Elytra flight. It displays six different HUD indicators that recreate the Microsoft Flight Simulator aesthetic. You have complete control over the rendering of each HUD element.

Different Flight Data

The six heads-up display indicators included in the mod are airspeed, artificial horizon, elytra durability, vertical speed, altitude, and compass. With airspeed, you can see how fast you are moving through the air while wearing elytra. The artificial horizon shows pitch and roll when used with the Do a Barrel Roll mod.

Vertical speed tells you how quickly you are ascending or descending. Altitude indicates your height relative to sea level. The compass gives you an easy reference point for cardinal directions during flight.

Artificial Horizon Based on Orientation

The artificial horizon is one of the most useful flight indicators provided by the mod. By default, it displays your current pitch. When used with the Do a Barrel Roll mod, the artificial horizon combines pitch and roll indicators, replicating an aircraft gyro horizon.


For players who want an even more customizable experience, the mod includes advanced settings (Require Mod menu and Cloth Config API). These additional options include:

  • Carved pumpkin auto-equipping for use with airplane resource packs
  • Auto-switching to third-person camera view
  • Auto adjustment to 110° FOV during flight
  • Disable riptide spin animation to minimize motion sickness

While disabled by default, these can be activated to customize the mod to your personal preferences.

How to install:

Requires either Forge, Fabric, Quilt or NeoForged
Dependencies: Fabric API, Cloth Config API
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Elytra HUD Mod (1.20.4):