Home Minecraft Mods 7 Days to Mine (1.16.5) | A Zombie Apocalypse Mod for Minecraft

7 Days to Mine is a mod for Minecraft that takes players on a post-apocalyptic journey. Based on the 7 Days to Die game by The Fun Pimps, the mod offers players a post-apocalyptic experience in a world that has been devastated by war and a pandemic that turned people into zombies. The mod offers players the chance to explore the ruins of a once-proud human civilization, fix vehicles, and build bases to protect themselves from the hordes of zombies.

Survive in 7 Days to Mine Post-Apocalyptic World:

In 7 Days to Mine, players must survive in a world of ruins, and abandoned cities. Scavenging for resources to survive, craft weapons and tools themselves, and build bases to defend from the hordes of zombies.

Explore the Undead land;

Craft Wepones to defend yourself:

Scavenge the world around you to survive:

Survive the Hoards:


The mod uses a custom main menu, sky, cloud, player renderers, and GLSL shaders, which might cause issues with other mods doing the same things. If you want to use any of such mods, it is recommended to turn these features of 7 Days to Mine off in the config file (.minecraft/config/sevendaystomine.cfg).

While the structure generation should be compatible with all mods, it is recommended to use the “Default (7D2M)” world type when possible (in server.properties use SEVENDAYS). You can also use the harder world type “Wasteland (7D2M)” (in server.properties use WASTELAND). The default Vanilla world type was renamed to “Default (Vanilla)”. Keep in mind that if you use the Vanilla world type, vanilla villages will be generated, which are not really meant to be used with the mod.

How to install:

Requires Forge
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download 7 Days to Mine Mod (1.16.5):