Home Minecraft Mods Spawn Structures Mod (1.20.1) | Custom Structure At World Spawn

Spawn Structures Mod is a Minecraft mod that allows server admins to generate a custom structure at the world spawn point. This mod aims to provide convenience and aid to new players when they first join the world.

Mod Features:

The key feature of the mod is the starter structure that gets generated at the world spawn location. This structure includes useful items and blocks like chests, a lectern, and a bed. The chests utilize Lootr-compatible loot tables and contain starter gear as well as guides and catalogs to help orient new players.

The starter structure is preconfigured to have the world spawn located inside it. This ensures that any player who spawns into the world for the first time spawns safely inside the structure. The mod also provides highly configurable options to customize the exact world spawn location through the configuration file.

The key features of Spawn Structures Mod include:

  • Generating a starter structure at the world spawn point
  • Containing useful blocks like chests, lectern, bed
  • Customizable world spawn location
  • Lootr compatible loot tables for starter gear
  • Guides and catalog chests to orient new players
Configuration Options:
  • Set World Spawn – Set whether the default world spawn should be at specific coordinates
  • Specify World Spawn Location – Specify where the center of the Starter Structure should be [X,Z] (Only takes effect if “Set World Spawn” is set to true
  • Set Spawn Biome – Specify which biome the Starter Structure will spawn in. This option takes priority over “Set World Spawn”, but will begin searching for the appropriate biome from the specified coordinates if “Set World Spawn” is set to true
  • Ignore GameRule: Generate Structures – Allows the Starter Structure to generate, even if the world option “Generate Structures” is set to false
  • Ignore GameRule: Spawn Radius – Determines whether the Spawn Radius should be calculated from the original Minecraft spawn radius or the spawn radius set in the Config file
  • Spawn Radius – Set the spawn radius for the world [Range: 0-4] (Only takes effect if “Ignore GameRule: Spawn Radius” is set to true
  • Spawn Orientation – Sets the direction with which each Player will be facing when they spawn at the World Spawn. “Structure_Locked” will face toward the direction of the Starter Structure’s main door, specified internally.
  • Starter Structure – Specifies which Starter Structure(s) should spawn when generating a new world.

How to install:

Requires Forge
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Spawn Structures Mod (1.20.1):