Home Minecraft Mods Scuba Gear Mod (1.20.4) | Underwater Scuba Gear in Minecraft

The Scuba Gear Mod is simple, it adds a new set of underwater gear to Minecraft. They allow players to breathe underwater, mine at normal speed, swim faster, and walk faster underwater making it much easier to explore the oceans and underwater caves of Minecraft.

Obtaining The Scuba Gear:

The gear can be obtained by killing Drowned that spawn within 15 blocks of an ocean ruin. Different pieces of the gear are rarer than others, with the helmet being the most common and the chestplate being the least common.

If a Drowned spawns with one piece of scuba gear, it will also have all of the previous pieces in line from the mod. For example, if a Drowned spawns with scuba leggings, it will also have boots and a helmet.


Each piece has a different ability:

Helmet: Grants water breathing.
Chestplate: Allows the wearer to mine at normal speed underwater.
Leggings: Gives the wearer a slight boost in swim speed.
Boots: Allows the wearer to walk quicker underwater.

When worn outside of water, the scuba gear will give the wearer a slight speed decrease for each piece they wear. The chestplate and helmet have the most drastic speed decrease.

The scuba gear will also take damage every 4 seconds when it is in use, so be sure to watch its durability!

Full Set Bonus:

If the player wears all four pieces, they will receive a small fire resistance bonus. However, instead of the player taking damage, the armor will. The armor takes damage about twice a second, so use this carefully!


The gear can be repaired using iron in a crafting table or anvil, The mending enchantment also works on it.

How to install:

Requires either Forge or NeoForged
How to install Minecraft Mods.

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