Home Minecraft Mods Time in a Bottle Curio Support Mod (1.20.1) | Never Lose it

The famous Time in a Bottle mod is well-known among players, but it also comes with its share of problems. but a major problem is having to carry it around constantly to charge it, and losing it after investing over 100 hours can be incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, Time in a Bottle Curio Support Mod can save you from that by introducing a new Curio slot. This mod not only simplifies the usage of Time in a Bottle and enables players to toggle its overlay, but it also prevents it from being lost.

How The Mod Works:

With The Time in a Bottle Curio Support Mod, you can now use Time in a Bottle more conveniently. Here’s how it works:

-Adds a Curio slot for Time in a bottle

Use a keybind (default: “g”) to use the Time in a bottle

Use a keybind (default: “h”) to toggle the Time in a bottle overlay

Why Use This Mod:

This mod provides many benefits to players, including:

  • Easy Management of Time in a Bottle
  • Convenient use of Time in a Bottle (No need to switch to the item to use it)
  • Better hud to track the time you have in your bottle

How to install:

Requires either Forge or NeoForged
Dependencies: Fabric API, Curios API (Forge/NeoForge), Time in a bottle [FORGE]
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Time in a Bottle Curio Support Mod (1.20.1):