Home Minecraft Mods Thematic Mod (1.20.4) | New Superhero  Mod!

The Thematic Mod for Minecraft is a new superhero mod that adds Batman, Superman, Aquaman, and Wonder Woman.

Mod Features:

Each superhero has their own unique abilities and powers. For example, Batman can fly and use his grappling hook to get around, Superman can fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes, Aquaman can swim faster than any other creature in the water and control marine life, and Wonder Woman can fly and deflect arrows with her bracelets.

How to Become a Superhero:

To become a hero yourself you need to craft the Suit Bench which will show you what items each suite needs, We recommend installing JEI to check how these items can be obtained.

Once you crafted the suite you can either equip it or improve it even further with better status and cooler cosmetics and looks. Just place the suit again in the Suit Bench and you will find tons of new options to choose from.

Superheros and Their Abilities:



 Wonder Woman:


How to install:

Requires Fabric
Dependencies: Fabric API, AzureLib, Pehkui, Patchouli
How to install Minecraft Mods.

Download Thematic Mod (1.20.4):